Thursday, November 3, 2016

A Sneak Peek at Beauty and the Beast

AHHHHHH!!! I got sucked into the world of Buzzfeed today as I was supposed to be doing more important things (isn't that how it always happens?) and I came across this LOVELY article. Entertainment Weekly just released some pictures of almost everyone in the new live-action Beauty and the Beast!

I mean, look at this!

This picture is absolutely fabulous. The dress, the pose, the lights in the background...just stunning. However, as I looked at the other pictures, which each featured a character, it felt a little odd. The live-action frames just felt a little unnatural and set-up, which I suppose is what they actually did to get the shot. But nonetheless, it kind of made me doubt the movie. A live-action movie should look like a film of an event that actually happened in life, not some middle school play, with handmade props (okay, that's exaggerating a little, but I am slightly let down by the pictures). Also, the Beast's appearance is a bit unnerving, a little uglier than we're used to (but I guess that's the point, isn't it?) (also, there's another Buzzfeed article about how the Internet is losing its sh--poop, for lack of better words, over the Beast's appearance). Also, in Belle's solo picture, her dress is a bit underwhelming. I was perusing the comments, and I liked the way somebody else put it: it looks like a cheap prom dress. I kind of expected the more poofy ball-gown look, with all the ribbon and layers.

I'm not sure what to think anymore. Maybe we've over-hyped it...we'll just have to wait and see.

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