Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Alright, I know I've posted a lot about this live-action Mulan, but I need to keep y'all updated on new developments. Aaaand...drumroll please...here is a new development in the film/script! Now that the female lead is confirmed to definitely be Chinese, the Internet has moved on to the male lead. There was a rumor going around that the actor for the male lead (the name Shang was never mentioned in the article, but only "male love interest" or "male lead"...interesting) was going to be of European decent. Well of course, this cannot be, because we all know that white-washing is a real and terrible thing in Hollywood. So the Internet has done its thing, and voila! Disney is now claiming to have an Asian "love interest" (again, interesting choice of words) in its live-action Mulan.

See, even Ming-Na Wen approves:
Yay for the Internet! We can always count on you.

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