Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Rogue One!!!

The new Rogue One trailer just came out, and let me tell you, IT LOOKS SO AMAZING!! Watch it below!

This new installment of the Star Wars story looks more like the traditional action movie and less like the fantasy of the trilogies. It's probably Lucasfilm's, which became a part of Disney as of four years ago (four years ago??? It only seems like one!), attempt at bringing in a wider audience who were put off by the romance in the trilogies. It's all about the money...
Anyway, the Internet is not only buzzing about the trailer, but also a reaction to the trailer, specifically Kylo Ren's. Hollywood Reporter wrote a short article about it, which you can read here, or you can watch the video below.

It's quite funny, especially since Kylo Ren is such an angry, angsty teen-like character. I'm looking forward to seeing Rogue One as a divergence from the trilogies while I wait for Episode VIII...

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