Sunday, October 23, 2016

News from a Galaxy Far, Far Away

News has reached my ears that Star Wars (which, again, is a part of Disney, so I can rightfully rant and rave about it here) has released who it casted as Lando Calrissian in the new Han Solo movie (!!!!), and it's a guy named Donald Glover. Mind you, I've never heard of him, but the internet is loving it, so it must have been a good choice!

Here is an article about the news, featuring a side by side picture of Billy Dee Williams, who played Lando in the original trilogy, and the newly cast Donald Glover. They do look fairly alike, unlike Alden Ehrenreich as the young Han Solo (I still can't get over how he doesn't look like Harrison Ford at all...he better have some great acting skills or I'm going to be disappointed).

I'm sure this actor will do a great job and will keep the Star Wars empire going strong. May the force be with him.

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