Friday, September 30, 2016

Hakuna Matata...In Real Life!

In class on Wednesday, Professor Andres broke some VERY breaking news. Word's out that Disney's teaming up with the director of the recent remake of The Jungle Book to remake the Disney classic, The Lion King.

I was so excited.

Like, OH MY GOD.

I absolutely love The Lion King and all it's pride-ful glory, and I would love to bathe in nostalgia as I sit in the theater and watch my childhood unfold before my eyes...

But I read more about it on the internet and people are apparently not as excited about it as I am. According to The Washington Post, people are bored of Hollywood remaking old classics just to make money. That makes sense, but as for me, I don't care. I just want to relive the happiness of seeing real lions and meerkats and warthogs singing and dancing. Now that's an interesting picture to envision.

Nevertheless, I can't wait to see the trailers. This will be fantastic.


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