Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Live Action Mulan??

Apparently Disney is planning on making a Mulan live action movie...and I have mixed feelings about this. It would be awesome to watch one of my favorite Disney movies come to life, or so to speak. I mean, seeing a real Asian actress, and not some high profile white actress, portraying an Asian character would be a great change for once *coughcoughEmmaStonecough*. But that's none of my business *sips tea*. Read about a petition people are signing as a preventative measure to make sure Disney casts an appropriate actress for the movie:


However, I do wonder how they're going to cast the whole movie. I mean, everyone in the movie is Asian, unless you count the Huns as Mongolian or Turkish. I wonder if Disney is about to make the first American film with an all Asian cast, or mostly Asian cast. That would actually be amazing. I'm excited to see what they do. (Also here is a Buzzfeed article with an awesome dream cast! https://www.buzzfeed.com/samstryker/mulan-live-action-cast?utm_term=.ppX9O1jp0p#.he5ZOalmWm )

But on the flip side, is this not just another stunt for Disney to make money? I feel very cynical of Disney now, after reading Orenstein's and Giroux's works. I hope Disney changes something about this movie, maybe show a different side of the story, and not simply remake the movie except with real people instead of animation. I think it would be interesting to see more points of view, like Shang's, Ling's, Chien-Po's, and Yao's. A major theme of the movie is about the difference between how women and men are perceived in society. A change in point of view would let us see the nuances between each character's viewpoint. I also think an interesting point to delve into is the difference between the way Shang views Mulan/Ping and the way Ling, Chien-Po, and Yao view her. It would be nice to see a more nuanced depiction of Mulan. Disney, don't let us down!

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