Tuesday, September 6, 2016

How Disney Changed My Perceptions on Gender

My title is a little misleading.
Disney has not changed my opinions on gender.
That’s not to say that I have not changed my opinions over the years. I definitely have. As a child, I did not know that anything else existed besides girl and boy. I thought gender and sex were the same thing. I could never dream that a girl could like a girl or a boy could like a boy. Now, I know that gender exists on a spectrum from girl to boy to anything in between and even beyond, and that love is love and it is real. But this change was a product of my own open mind, not exposure to Disney. In fact, Disney has yet to release a gender-fluid princess (or prince?)! And what a revolution that would be!
To me, Disney is less of a force of social change than it is a reflection of our gradually changing world. From a business standpoint, it makes sense to echo popular notions rather than to pioneer progressive ideas, in fear of losing sales. However, through Disney’s increasingly more common narratives of independent princesses, it is apparent that a change in society’s view on women is becoming more mainstream. In that sense, Disney taught me not that gender roles are restrictive, but that a break from traditional gender roles is more socially accepted. Women are not restricted to the home. They can work hard to achieve what they want, and they can be heroes as well.
However, my lack of change in opinion makes me more curious about other girls’ (or boys’) experiences with Disney. There must be somebody out there whose opinions were challenged by Disney’s portrayals of girls and femininity. I can imagine a young girl learning that girls can like reading books like Belle, and, like Tiana, they can also save the prince instead of the other way around. I can also imagine a little boy who now believes that girls can have “superpowers,” too, like Elsa. No matter who is influenced, I will continue to support Disney’s efforts to create strong female leads in their films. They could only be for the better.

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